High-quality bathroom ceramics made with BBG’s mold carrier
Developed and tailored to our customer's application
Mindelheim, 23.07.2020. We have developed the special BFT-B mold carrier model for a European manufacturer of bathroom ceramics, precisely tailoring the mold carrier to their application. The mold carrier is designed so that the lower mold mounting plate is located at the same level as the production hall floor. To this end, the basic frame was placed in a pit. When open, the lower mold mounting plate allows free access from the front and from the sides and can be operated. Molds can thus be inserted in the mold carrier at ground level.
Our customer uses the BFT-B with mounting plates sized 3000 x 1400 mm to manufacture bathroom ceramics components on the basis of a secret formulation. The mold carrier is suitable for operation in potentially explosive environments and has a capacity of up to 10000 kg.
BBG’s global machine base comprises more than 500 mold carriers and press systems
Thanks to our comprehensive experience, we at BBG are the first point of contact for many enquiries from globally active customers when it comes to customized special machinery and end-to-end systems for the production processes reaction injection molding (RIM), compression molding (MC) or transfer molding (TC)..
As a manufacturer of special machinery and end-to-end installations, we are specialized in developing solutions precisely tailored to meet the specific needs of our customers. Our global machine base of more than 500 mold carrier and press systems is proof of the fact that customers appreciate our machines and installations.